Rwardz Spotlight: Big Al's PetsBy msmanekRWARDZOctober 21, 20150 commentsToday, we are going to be discussing a Rwardz success story: Big Al’s! Founded in 1975, Big Al’s is a pet supplies chain that boasts to have “largest selection of aquariums, aquarium furniture, and aquarium supplies, as well as an extensive variety of marine ...Read more...
Rwardz Spotlight: Regents Care ServicesBy Jonathan McClapNewsAugust 4, 20150 commentsToday, we would like to share a Rwardz success story: Regents Care Services Regents Care Services is a comprehensive home healthcare company that provides health care services within the homes of their clients. They recently decided to take control of their online presence ...Read more...
CRTC Ruling on Canadian Internet AccessBy PixieNewsJuly 29, 20150 commentsThe Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission took a big step this week by rejecting opposition from the telecom Giants such as Bell and Telus and ordering them to offer the independent Internet providers wholesale access to the newly emerging high-speed fibre optic ...Read more...'s Success with RwardzBy meghanbradleyRWARDZJuly 14, 20151 is one of North America’s leading refurbished electronic companies. Founded in 2003, it offers quality and overall value for some of today’s leading brands, including Dell, IBM and HP. Buying refurbished products offer savings and sustainability, offering higher ...Read more...
Case Study: The Crazy Ripped Challenge!!By cjpRWARDZJuly 10, 20150 commentsCrazy Ripped has unveiled a new contest on June 7, 2015, using their Rwardz program. Their goal is to encourage, and engage more users to use the Rwardz as a platform to teach, learn, and share their passion for working out with the world. The long term Several athletes have ...Read more...
What does "Responsive" website mean?By BigDipperWeb DevelopmentJune 9, 20150 commentsHello, My web guy told me we need to update our website to a "responsive design" but I have no idea what that means. Please help!!! Thank you! AnswerA responsive website is such that is able to display properly not only in a browser of a desktop computer but also in a range of web friendly peripherals like tablets, smart phones as well as laptop computers. As ...Read more...
Windows 10 free upgrade for Win 8, Win 8.1 and Win 7 usersBy PixieJune 3, 20151 commentsJuly 29 2015 is the big day for Win 10 free upgrade for all users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. Anyone will be able to upgrade within the year of this promotion launch. What does this mean? You get a free upgrade to the net new Operating System, however be aware there may ...Read more...
RWARDZ for Use Inside an OrganizationBy Steve Green - RWARDZJune 1, 20151 commentsRWARDZ provides organizations with the ability to collect, edit and display User Generated Content as Original Material (i.e. not as re-purposed material which originated from entries in Facebook, Twitter, TripAdvisor, etc.). One area in which this platform can serve is ...Read more...
Harnessing UGC is the keyBy EitanRWARDZMay 24, 20150 commentsThis is a sample post on how and why you needs to harness the power of UGC. Test content please ignoreRead more...
Knowledge CommunityBy Steve Green - RWARDZMay 18, 20150 commentsThe RWARDZ platform is the ideal tool for creating and maintaining Knowledge Communities. According to the Gartner Group, a Knowledge Community is defined as: " A group of people within an enterprise who engage in knowledge-sharing activities in support of a common ...Read more...
Google Updates Mobile AlgorithmBy PixieWeb DevelopmentApril 21, 20152 commentsToday is certainly a crucial day for many business owners with an online presence, as today April 21st 2015 Google has updated their search engine's mobile algorithm. What does this mean for website owners and internet users? Mobile browsing is now more targeted towards ...Read more...
Only Constant is ChangeBy RoadhouseRWARDZApril 20, 20150 commentsIt has been said that “the only thing that is constant is change.” This best describes the ever evolving Internet and nobody better understands this than the web development team at iOPW, who are constantly updating and fine tuning their platforms’ capabilities ...Read more...
How to name images for SEOBy PixieMarch 6, 20150 comments How to name image files for SEO purposes? One of the basic tenets of search engine optimization is updating the images on your website with the proper naming convention. If you are for instance a pastry shop with a focus on cupcakes, this will be your most important ...Read more...
UGC PlatformBy JoelRWARDZFebruary 12, 20150 commentsiOPW is an internet technology company that has roots are in web development, iOPW provides a complete seo/marketing solution. The newest platform allows companies to take advantage of UGC (user generated content) through our user generated content software. & ...Read more...
The new Spartan Browser?By PixieWeb DevelopmentJanuary 27, 20150 commentsThose of us in the web development field had a chance to perk up with interest at the first sightings of the new browser Microsoft is planning to unveil with their launch of their new OS – Windows 10. For the longest time web developers have voiced displeasure with the ...Read more...
The Internal VS External Domain Strategy DebateBy BigDipperSearch Engine TipsJanuary 23, 20152 commentsOne of the most fundamental strategies to help websites rank organically is to have a combination of internal and external references; ideally structured around a specific keyword/category. The definitions are as follows: - Internal Reference: A sub-domain of your main website ...Read more...