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Image Optimization Tips For Your Website - Part 3

Images Must Be Saved For Web


Many times clients will want to take control of their website after website launch. This is a great for clients because they can control their own website by adding content, uploading photos, blogging, etc.


Problem is unless you're a web designer or have experience with the web, things can go wrong. One of those things would be not optimizing your images for the web.


If you don't optimize your images for web and upload them at a large size, your website will load slower. This not only frustrates visitors, but Google will also penalize any website with a slow page load time.


In the video posted above, we show an example of saving your images for web in Adobe Photoshop:


In conclusion, images must be optimized by being proportionately scaled, sent to your web designer in high resolution, and must be saved for web.